Writing Questions

WHEN should I write questions?

Some people like to write questions as they read, and others find this to be cumbersome. You want to enjoy reading as you go!  

As you have more books under your belt, you might think "hey, that's something that happened in a previous book I read"-- write this down before you forget so you can make killer super bonus questions.

IN WHAT FORMAT should the questions be written? 

Read about our question types here.

WHAT TOPICS are questions written about?

Questions should focus on setting, characters, conflict, events, details, and solutions. 

HOW EASY should the questions be?

Some questions will be easier than others. Challenging questions are great, but questions that are too obscure should not be used (admittedly, striking this balance can be difficult). 


Looking at questions that people have created for other Battle of the Books competitions can be very useful for ideas. There are examples online from other competitions (even on Quizlet, though not made by us). There a few examples on format here.