On the Calendar
Important Dates
Nov 1st, 2024:
Team Registrations due!
Feb 1st, 2025:
T-Shirt Design Contest submissions due!
TENTATIVELY March 6th, 2025 at 4:00-5:00pm (virtual): Coaches' Meeting
T-shirt Order Forms & money
TENTATIVELY March 20th, 2025: Team Rosters due by email (or shared on Google Drive)
April 3rd 2025- Thurs: Battles! (Don't forget your team's photo release forms)
April 4th 2025- Fri: Battles & then Readers' Celebration ~6:30-7:30pm (families invited)
Full Calendar
Aug/Sept: Announce Battle of the Books tournament during elementary open houses
First Day of School:
Teams may begin to conduct meetings and practices formally or informally
Aug/Sept: “Release” book list to interested students (if they haven't already seen it)
Team registration & $20 fee due.
Send suggestions for 2026 book list
2026 book list is created
Read and practice!
Write practice questions
Develop strategies for battles
Conduct mock battles, review rules and scoring
Arrange for transportation to B.O.B. tournament if live
*Send home permission slips for B.O.B. tournament if required
Photo release forms signed
Feb. 1st:
deadline for submitting t-shirt design submissions
March TBD:
Coaches' Meeting (Mandatory)
Moderators' Meeting
March TBD:
Deadline for turning in team rosters (by email)
April: Battles and Readers' Celebration
Photo Release forms due first day of competition